The Next Generation in chelated mineral and vitamin drenches
Increased Livestock Performance
HVS Liquid Gold® had consistently shown in trials and on farm help: reduce somatic cell counts, improve fertility, increase hoof strength and boost immune functions.
Improved Profitability
HVS Liquid Gold’s® optimal mineral supply reduces stress restiance, reduces open days in fertiility and reduces cell count in udders which results in more milk, healthier herds and an improved farmer profit.
Independently Proven Results
Independent trial results have shown that sheep given HVS Liquid Gold® recorded improved performance in nurmerous aspects of the livestock.
Boost for Cattle
Results for Sheep
Use with Dairy
Worth it's weight in Gold
HVS Gold® Blend Mineral range of speciality supplements includes specific ingredients OPTiMINs, Folic Acid for embryo development and B Vitamins for young stock growth to:
- Herd Health
- Fertility
- Hoof Strength
- Production
- Growth Rates
- Immune Status
- Return on Investment
- Mastitis & Scc
- Repeat Breeders
- Foot Problems
- Retained Cleansings
- Ill Thrift
- Vaccination Failures
- Calf Scour & Pneumonia
- Expenses
What Farmers have to say
DLWG recorded after just five weeks, compared to the Control Groups, showed a financial benefit of £1.50 per head over the cost of the product.
You could pick out the treated cattle by their obvious thrive and better bloom.
When we used the product in a trial group, we recorded a 20% increase in conception rates and had fewer repeats.
I bought in calves around 300kgs then dosed them with HVS Liquid Gold Cattle®. These cattle had more bloom and appetite, less pneumonia and thrived remarkably well.
It was much easier to use than trying to give bag minerals to the cows every day at grass. I also found the product to be free flowing and easy to drench with the back pack.