The Next Generation in chelated mineral and vitamin drenches

Increased Livestock Performance

HVS Liquid Gold® had consistently shown in trials and on farm help: reduce somatic cell counts, improve fertility, increase hoof strength and boost immune functions.

Improved Profitability

HVS Liquid Gold’s® optimal mineral supply reduces stress restiance, reduces open days in fertiility and reduces cell count in udders which results in more milk, healthier herds and an improved farmer profit.

Independently Proven Results

Independent trial results have shown that sheep given HVS Liquid Gold® recorded improved performance in nurmerous aspects of the livestock.

For growing and finishing of Dairy Replacements, Beef Cattle and Suckler Cows
For Breeding Sheep and Lambs

For Dairy Cows and Heifers

Boost for Cattle

Results for Sheep

Use with Dairy

Worth it's weight in Gold

HVS Gold® Blend Mineral range of speciality supplements includes specific ingredients OPTiMINs, Folic Acid for embryo development and B Vitamins for young stock growth to:



What Farmers have to say

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For growing and finishing of Dairy Replacements, Beef Cattle and Suckler Cows
For Breeding Sheep and Lambs

For Dairy Cows and Heifers